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What type of Herons birds live in the Danube Delta?

by David, 07 Mar 2023

Curios what type of Herons birds live in the Danube Delta?

We wrote an extensive article about the herons HERE

But to be more our boat tours ( short or full day) you can discover all the important types of birds that live in the Danube Delta..including the 3 types of  herons.

Three species of herons live in the Danube Delta: the grey heron, the great white heron, and the little egret. These birds are characteristic of the area and are often spotted by tourists during visits to the Delta.

The grey heron is the most common heron species in the Danube Delta. These birds are approximately 95-100 centimeters long with a wingspan of 175-195 centimeters. Their feathers are mostly grayish-blue with some darker areas on the wings and tail of the bird. Grey herons feed on fish, snakes, and other small aquatic animals.

The great white heron, also known as the white heron, is another species of heron found in the Danube Delta. These birds are larger than the grey heron, with a length of 105-115 centimeters and a wingspan of 230-245 centimeters. Their feathers are mostly white, with black wingtips and some black feathers on the upper side of the tail. Great white herons feed on fish, turtles, and other small aquatic animals.

The little egret is the smallest of the three heron species in the Danube Delta, with a length of approximately 55 centimeters and a wingspan of 120-140 centimeters. Their feathers are mostly gray-brown with darker wingtips. Little egrets feed on small fish, lizards, and other small aquatic animals.

In conclusion, the grey heron, great white heron, and little egret are three wonderful bird species that live in the Danube Delta. Due to their range and the food they consume, these birds are essential to the ecosystem of the Danube Delta. If you are passionate about birdwatching or want to see these heron species, visit the Danube Delta and enjoy the wonderful nature of the area.

So come and discover the amazing nature in our cruises!

in our boat tours ( short or full day) you can discover all the important types of birds that live in the Danube Delta..including the 3 types of herons from this article!



Exploring the Danube Delta with Nearchus NauticTour Mahmudia

Nearchus NauticTour Mahmudia is a leading provider of boat tours in the Danube Delta. The company offers short tours that last 2-4 hours, as well as full-day tours for visitors who want to experience the delta's natural beauty to the fullest. With Nearchus NauticTour Mahmudia, you can explore the delta's waterways, visit its beautiful villages, and discover its rich history and culture.

We offer short  (2-4 h) boat tours as well as full-day boat tours in the Danube Delta to all the main beaches and the main touristic attractions in the Danube Delta.

The main resort that we recommend you stay aka the best accommodation in the Danube Delta is at Casa TEO Mahmudia.

You can check out our honest reviews, extracted in real time and un-altered by us in any way below!

Our location / Where we are located in the Danube Delta

You can discover the best tourist attractions in the Danube Delta taking our boat tours that start here:

The reason for our great reviews might be our colleagues, our unique Danube Delta restaurant, where you can eat as much as you want, as well as a combination of the two.

Our reviews

You can see on Google Maps HERE  and our Facebook Page HERE.

You can find more information about the types of birds in the Danube Delta HERE,   and you might also enjoy this articles:


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