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Herons- Famous birds in the Danube Delta

by David, 07 Mar 2023

Herons are one of the most important species of birds in the Danube Delta.
Let's discover them together in this article, just like we discovered the Eurasian Spoonbill:The Wading Bird with a Spatula Bill!

If you are interested in a holiday in Romania and you discovered the Danube Delta, you might wonder about the birds that live there.

Did you know that there are more than 350 species of birds here?

Yes, that's true! Some are only 10 grams ( 0.3 ounces ) and the white pelicans are over 2.3 meters(  7.5 ft) in their wingspan.

Therefore, there are a lot of things to discover in your exploration of this amazing place with our Danube Delta boat tours.

Before we dive in with more information about our boat tours, let me tell you more about Herons, the topic of this article!

The herons are long-legged, long-necked, freshwater and coastal birds in the family Ardeidae, with 72 recognised species, some of which are referred to as egrets or bitterns rather than herons.

Source- Wikipedia


Yellow Bittern hunting heron, bird in the Danube Delta


The classification of herons and egrets into their respective species is a complicated matter. There is no clear consensus about the correct placement of many species into the major genera, Ardea and Egretta, and the relationships of these genera within the family remain unresolved. Previously, the Cochlearidae, or boat-billed heron, was considered a separate monotypic family, but it is now classified as a member of the Ardeidae.

Although herons resemble birds in other families such as storks, ibises, spoonbills, and cranes, they differ in their flying behavior by retracting their necks instead of stretching them out. Herons are also one of the few bird groups that have powder down. Some heron species nest colonially in trees, while others, like the bitterns, prefer to use reed beds. A group of herons is called a "siege."

Description of the Herons

Heron bird in the Danube delta


Herons are birds with long legs and necks that come in various sizes.

Sexual dimorphism in size is generally minimal, with the smallest species being the dwarf bittern at 25-30 cm in length, while the largest is the goliath heron, which stands up to 152 cm tall. 

Herons' necks can kink in an S-shape due to the unique shape of their cervical vertebrae, of which they have 20-21. Unlike other long-necked birds, the neck can retract and extend and is retracted during flight. 

The legs are long and strong, and in almost every species, unfeathered from the lower part of the tibia. The feet have long, thin toes, with three forward-pointing ones and one pointing backward.

lava Heron (Butorides sundevalli) lives in the  Galapagos Islands not in the Danube delta

The Pacific reef heron has two color morphs, light and dark. Herons typically have a long, harpoon-like bill that can vary in size and shape. The boat-billed heron has a particularly broad, thick bill.

The bill and other bare parts of the body are usually yellow, black, or brown, although this can vary during the breeding season. Herons' wings are broad and long, with 10 or 11 primary feathers (nine in the boat-billed heron), 15-20 secondaries, and 12 rectrices (10 in the bitterns). The plumage is typically blue, black, brown, gray, or white, and can often be strikingly complex. 

Little sexual dimorphism in plumage is seen among day herons (except in pond herons), while differences between sexes are the rule for night herons and smaller bitterns.

Some species also have different color morphs, such as the Pacific reef heron, which has both dark and light morphs, with the percentage of each varying geographically. White morphs are only found in areas with coral beaches.

Distribution and habitat for the Herons


Herons do not only live in the Danube Delta.

They can be found all over the world and there are multiple species of these birds that you can discover! You can even discover 11 types of herons in the United States!

The heron family is widely distributed across the globe, except for Antarctica, and can be found in most habitats, excluding the coldest Arctic areas, extremely high mountains, and the driest deserts.

Although they are non-swimming waterbirds, almost all species are associated with water and can be found near lakes, rivers, swamps, ponds, and the sea. 

While the majority of species live in lowland areas, some can also be found in alpine regions, with the highest concentration being in the tropics.

Herons are a mobile family, with most species being partially migratory. For instance, the grey heron is mostly sedentary in Britain, but mostly migratory in Scandinavia.

After breeding, birds tend to disperse widely before the annual migration, especially if the species is colonial, in search of new feeding grounds and to reduce the pressure on the feeding areas near the colony. 

Migration usually occurs at night, with individuals or small groups moving together.

Behaviour and ecology of the Heron birds

Fyellow-crowned Night Heron in Cape May County, New Jersey

The diets of the herons birds in the Danube Delta

Taking our Danube Delta cruises you will find out that the heron birds have a special diet...they love meat! 

Quite curious seeing how small they are, correct? probably that's why my mom said not to judge a book by its cover...and how to pronounce it correctly Danube!

Getting back to the diets of the herons...

The herons and bitterns are carnivorous animals primarily found in wetlands and water bodies. Their diverse diet mainly comprises live aquatic prey like fish, reptiles, amphibians, crustaceans, mollusks, and aquatic insects. While some species are generalists, others specialize in specific prey types. For instance, the yellow-crowned night heron prefers crustaceans, especially crabs. These birds also occasionally consume larger prey, such as birds, eggs, and rodents, and very rarely carrion. Although there are reports of herons eating vegetable matter like acorns, peas, and grains, such consumption is mostly accidental.

So if you accidentally eat vegetables as well, you will love to find out more about this type of bird from the Danube Delta that you can explore with our boat tours.

Exploring the Danube Delta with Nearchus NauticTour Mahmudia

Nearchus NauticTour Mahmudia is a leading provider of boat tours in the Danube Delta. The company offers short tours that last 2-4 hours, as well as full-day tours for visitors who want to experience the delta's natural beauty to the fullest. With Nearchus NauticTour Mahmudia, you can explore the delta's waterways, visit its beautiful villages, and discover its rich history and culture.

We offer short  (2-4 h) boat tours as well as full-day boat tours in the Danube Delta to all the main beaches and the main touristic attractions in the Danube Delta.

The main resort that we recommend you stay aka the best accommodation in the Danube Delta is at Casa TEO Mahmudia.

You can check out our honest reviews, extracted in real time and un-altered by us in any way below!

Our location / Where we are located in the Danube Delta

You can discover the best tourist attractions in the Danube Delta taking our boat tours that start here:

The reason for our great reviews might be our colleagues, our unique Danube Delta restaurant, where you can eat as much as you want, as well as a combination of the two.

Our reviews

You can see on Google Maps HERE  and our Facebook Page HERE.

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